Bezna #3
(Postspectacle Shelter)
August 2012
The Crises of (Com)Passion and the Corrupt Audience Alina Popa(Bureau of Melodramatic Research)
What is Eva Peron Veda Popovici
We Are All Reptilians Now Florin Flueras Political TherapyValentina Desideri
The Specter of Communist Feminism: Dead Evil Women are Moving Tables! Mihai Lukacs
A Wolf in a Sheep’s Clothing Arnold Şlahter Statement APARAT SECURITY
Punishing the Poor in Budapest Ciumafaiu Postspectacle Shelter Drawing Brynjar Bandlien
Survival Architecture in the Global Slum (II) Candidatul la Preşedinţie
Tragic Seconds Heroic Days G.A.Neagu
Download Bezna #3 PDF
Bezna #2
(Apocalypse & Protests)
March 2012
Kafkamachine Akseli Virtanen
The Carnival, the Spectacle and the Non-event Veda Popovici
What can we do with an Apocalypse? Florin Flueraş
The imaginary child and the queer vampire apocalypse Mihai Lukacs
Survival architecture in the global slum Candidatul la Preşedinţie
Ninja Bugeicho Ştefan Tiron
You make friends in darkness and wake up with monsters next to you Arnold Şlahter
About safety and heroism in activism Ciumafaiu
The Hebrew Spring Roi Alter
Jos Basescu drawing by Brynjar Bandlien
Foto Paradis Garaj
The Reproduction of Darkness/ The Darkness of Reproduction The Bureau of Melodramatic Research
Download Bezna #2 PDF
Bezna #1
(The Dark Side of Art and its Autonomy)
Download Bezna #1 PDF
DOWNLOAD the 2009 BMR Report
*available only in Romanian
DOWNLOAD the 2009 BMR Report
*available only in Romanian