Irina Costache, scientific consultant
The Bureau of Melodramatic Research
The Museum of Modest Apartment Art/ The Agency for Art Bets and Forecasts
together with invited experts Ovidiu Ciornea, Mihai Stanescu and Cristian Vasiliu
invite you to the workshop: INSTITUTIONAL FUTUROLOGY: PROSPECTION BEYOND PLANNING as part of The First Congress of Spectral Institutions
++Saturday the 4th of July++13:30++UNAGaleria++Str. General Budisteanu nr.10++Bucharest
Our intervention at the congress “The Spectral Institution Today and Tomorrow” aims at optimistically exploring the future. For this purpose, we invite all participants, representatives of spectral institutions, theoreticians, ideologues, affiliated and non-affiliated artists and symposium attendees to join us. For one hour, we intend to push the logic of critique beyond the constraints of the present and test the forces and the authorities of the future. Throughout the workshop, together with our invited guests – a business consultant, a coach and a bioenergetician we will identify and analyze those trends that would potentially shape the future of our institutions.
We’ll be looking back into the future and think where our institutions might find themselves tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We’ll consider a range of development opportunities, success rates as well as risk scenarios. Our guests are very willing to offer consultancy, to discuss plausible prognosis or to offer remedies (where and when needed) in order to ensure to all participant institutions, as well as to their umbrella structure (the spectral institution herself), a luminous and worthwhile future. Throughout the workshop we’ll investigate models of emotional engineering that feed sciences of the future.
Irina Costache is Phd Candidate at CEU (Gender Studies Dep) where she works on a thesis on corporeality in real existing socialism. Up until she started using her feminist lense to Romanian’s recent history she has also written on women’s football, young women and poverty and more recently on feminism and curatorship. She’s generally interested in anything that has to do with women.
The Bureau of Melodramatic Research is an independent institution founded by Irina Gheorghe and Alina Popa which studies the use and abuse of emotions with the help of melodramatic techniques. The bureau takes as constant investigative site the accumulated sentimental capital of its partner institutions, even more so now when they enjoy the attention of the banking sector enlivened and rejuvenated by radical contemporary art.
The Museum for Modest Apartment Art/ Muzeul Artei Modeste de Apartament ( M.A.M.A) founded by Luiza Alecsandru, is a museum set up in an apartment on Hristo Botev, next to Coltea hospital. The overloaded space was reopened as a museum that treasures domestic objects. Reconstructing a personal history, the institution is an apparently modest opportunity always at hand, to reconfigure the immediate surroundings.
Ovidiu Ciornea represents Cie-Aura Romania, the international producer of the most powerful energy bracelets in the world. These bracelets convert natural vibrations into intrinsic energies which interact with the human vibration system to produce personal equilibrium, energy, concentration and clarity.
Mihai Stanescu is coach, the founder of Rocoach, a company that provides services for the business enviorment on two segments: corporate segment, in which return benefits are 5 times more that the initial investment in coaching sessions and the antreprenorial segment in which return benefits often reach 10 times the initial investment.
Cristian Vasiliu was head of foreign relations department and business development manager at ROMEXPO and its representative in Turkey. Today he works as a business consultant at Nexidian International where he aims to develop, optimize and support clients’ efforts to internationalize. His efforts follow an ethics of competition, honesty and dedication.
An initiative of the Blind Museum, founded by Veda Popovici, The Congress of Spectral Institutions is the first of a series of events dedicated to the gathering, analysis and redifining of spectral institutions of all sorts.
The Spectral Institution is the meeting point among several institutions in course of legitimation which occupy a hybrid state between authority, contemporary art, institutionalization and production of discourse.
Irina Costache, consilier stiintific
Biroul de Cercetari Melodramatice
Muzeul Artei Modeste de Apartament/ Agentia de Pariuri si Pronosticuri in Arta impreuna cu expertii invitati Ovidiu Ciornea, Mihai Stanescu si Cristian Vasiliu
In cadrul Congresului I al Institutiilor Spectrale
++sambata 4 iunie++ora 13:30++UNAGaleria++Str. General Budisteanu nr.10
Intervenţia noastra la congresul “Institutia spectrala de azi si de maine” isi propune sa exploreze optimist viitorul. Pentru aceasta, invitam toate/toti participantii/ele la congres, reprezentanti/e ai institutiilor spectrale, teoreticieni/e, ideologi, artisti/e afiliati sau neafiliati si simpozisti/e de orice fel sa ni se alature. Ne propunem ca, pe parcursul unei ore, sa impingem logica criticii dincolo de constrangerile si istoriile prezentului si sa testam fortele si autoritaţile viitorului.
Pe parcursul workshopului vom incerca alaturi de cei trei experti invitati - un business consultant, un coach si un bioenergetician sa identificam si sa analizam curentele si tendintele de transformare care afecteaza institutiile spectrale.
Ne vom uita inapoi spre viitor si ne vom gandi unde s-ar putea gasi institutia spectrala maine sau poimaine. Vom cantari oportunitatile de dezvoltare, sansele de succes dar si scenariile de risc si pericol care vor afecta in viitorul apropriat institutiile participante. Invitatii nostrii sunt dispusi sa ofere consultanta, sa prezinte prognoze si sa propuna remedii (acolo unde institutia e in dificultate) pentru a asigura institutiilor si institutiei mama un viitor pe masura. Pe parcursul workshopului vom inregistra modelele de inginerie emotionala care hranesc stiinta viitorului.

Irina Costache este doctorandă in cadrul departamentului de Studii de Gen (CEU) unde lucrează la o teză despre corporalitate în comunism. Până să aplice lentila feministă peste istoria recentă a mai scris şi despre fotbal feminin, femei tinere şi sărăcie şi mai recent feminism şi curatoriat. În general o interesează cam orice are legătură cu femeile.
Biroul de Cercetari Melodramatice este o institutie dependenta fondata de Irina Gheorghe si Alina Popa care studiaza uzul si abuzul emotiilor cu ajutorul tehnicilor melodramatice. Capitalul sentimental acumulat de catre institutiile partenere constituie o investigatie permanenta pentru Birou, cu atat mai mult cu cat acesta se bucura de curtoazia crescanda a sectorului bancar insufletit si intinerit de arta contemporana radicala.
Muzeul Artei Modeste de Apartament, fondat de Luiza Alecsandru, este un muzeu amenajat intr-un apartament situat pe langa strada Hristo Botev, in apropiere de spitalul Coltea. Spatiul supraincarcat de obiecte a fost relansat ca muzeu valorizand toate aceste obiecte domestice. Reconstruind o istorie personala, institutia este o posibilitate aparent modesta, de fapt oricand la indemana, de a reconfigura realitatea imediata.
Ovidiu Ciornea este reprezentant in Romania al CieAura, producatoare a celor mai puternice bratari cu energie din lume. Acestea convertesc vibratiile naturale in energii intrinseci, care interactioneaza cu sistemul vibrational al corpului pentru a produce echilibru personal, energie, concentrare si claritate.
Mihai Stanescu este coach, fondator all companiei RoCoach, a carei activitate este axata pe doua segmente principale ale mediului de afaceri: segmentul corporatist, in care returnarea investitiei serviciilor pe care le ofera este de minim 5 ori mai mare fata de bugetul alocat initial (coaching-ului), si cel antreprenorial, in care returnarea investitiei depăşeste cel mai adesea de 10 ori suma investita.
Cristian Vasiliu a fost sef departament relatii externe si business development manager in cadrul ROMEXPO si reprezentantul acestuia in Turcia. Acum este consultant in cadrul Nexidian International si isi propune sa dezvolte, sa eficientizeze si sa sprijine punerea in practica a procesului de internationalizare al clientilor sai in spiritul competentei, onestitatii si dedicarii.